Events 2024
July 20, Jena Germany

July 20, Jena Germany
8:00 - Registration and refreshments
9:00 - Welcome to IMERSA Day @ IPS
9:05 - Immersion Experiences Before Computers
KaChun Yu,
9:15 - 25 Years of Fulldome
Dan Neafus - Personal reflections about what makes domes so special.
VORTEX - Jordan Belson, Henry Jacobs
Atmospherium - O Richard Norton
LASERIUM - Ivan Dryer
Experience Economy - B. Joseph Pine II, James H. Gilmore
World in 360 Degrees - Greg Downing,
Saint Basil’s Cathedral - Greg Downing
Crossing Worlds - Greg Downing and Eric Hanson
Aurora; Lights of Wonder - Kwon O'Chul,
In Saturn's Rings - Stephen Van Vuuren,
Carlsbad Cavern, - KaChun Yu, Greg Downing, Open Space
All We Are - Anna Öst, Norrkoping Visualization Center,
NanoCam - El Exilio, Roberto Girón, Martina D'ercoli, Cristina Aso,
Realm Of Light - Reimagined, Softmachine, Reef Distribution, - Peter Popp,
The Secret World of Moths - Pohjankonna Ltd, Heureka - The Finish Science center
Collision - We Are Astronomers, NSC Creative
Bella Gaia - Kenji Williams,
Io Volcano - Brad Thompson, Spitz Inc,
Supernova - Realm of Light - Peter Popp, Softmachine
Black Holes - Dr. Andrew Hamilton, DMNS
Escher’s Universe - EL,
Above - Florian Meyer
Petty Tyrant - Alexander Schumann
R&J - Harald Singer, Bettina Pfladner, Livinglobe,
Um Menino - Flávio Bezerra, Eduard Tucholka, Laura Saenger Muthesius college of fine art Kiel, Prof. Tom Duscher, Eduard Thomas,
The Kepler Story - Ryan Wyatt, Tim Horn, Nina Wise, Motion Institute
Joan - Denver Museum of Nature & Science
10:05 - Luminaries of Fulldome
Dan Neafus & Michael Daut
Pioneers of dome theater, previously recognized by IMERSA
10:15 - Break
11:00 - 25 Years of Fulldome
Michaela French
11:10 - 25 Years of Fulldome
Monica Bolles, Interactive art, Live Performance and Audio
11:20 - 25 Years of Fulldome
Julieta Aguilera
11:30 - Teleporting the Audience to Realistic Worlds
Michael Daut
11:40 - 25 Years of Fulldome
Ryan Wyatt
11:50 - One Earth Moment
Micky Remann
12:00 - Best Of Earth update
Ryan Moore -
12:05 - IPS Audio Survey
Monica Bolles
12:10 - Kinetarium
Michael Scholz
12:30 - Lunch Break
2:00 - Creative Pioneers
Joshua Sam Miller
2:15 - Creative Pioneers
Tom Ammerman - Immersive Audio for Domes
New Audio Technology
2:30 - Creative Pioneers
Jean-Philippe Turgeon - Shows from Hubblo
2:45 - Creative Pioneers
Dan Hambly Liam Wardle - NSC Creative; Dark Side of the Moon and beyond
3:00 - Creative Pioneers
Sebastian Gauthier - Crafting One Sky: A Closer Look
3:15 - Creative Pioneers
Rocco Helmchen & Johannes Kraas.
Sci-Art-Music shows - The Journey to the Impossible
3:30 - Creative Pioneers
Yuri Kostenko & Andrii Yamkovyi, Front Pictures Innovation in Projection Mapping
3:45 - Creative Pioneers
Michael Daut - New Worlds to Attract New Audiences
4:00 - Break
4:30 - Short Film
Nascence excerpt from Recombination
4:40 - Spheres of Influence
Warrick Tsai - C-Lab
4:50 - Spheres of Influence
Dani LeBlanc -Boston Museum of Science
5:00-Spheres of Influence
Lindsay Hall - Market Hall Plymouth UK, Domes, Design and Diversity
5:10 - Spheres of Influence
Janire Najera & Matt Wright, Cult VR, Cardiff Wales
5:20 - Spheres of Influence
Société des arts technologiques
5:30 - Spheres of Influence
Ralph Heinsohn
6:00 - Spheres of Influence
Tim Horn - Berlin Planetarium updates
6:10 - Spheres of Influence
Björn Voss - Hamburg Planetarium
6:20 - Recognitions and thanks
Dan Neafus -
6:30 Dinner on your own
8:30 pm - Live Concert
Enjoy an extraordinary performance with artists Martin Hübner, Linda Trillhaase, Ive Kanew, Illuminator art and 360 dome visuals. Jointly presented by IMERSA and the FullDome Festival.