Welcome to the Fulldome Community

The Kepler Story, SanFrancisco CA

FDUK 2022, Market Hall, Plymouth, UK

SAT, Montreal, Canada

FDUK 23, Cult_VR, Cardiff, Wales

In Here, Out There by Michaela French ©XR Stories at the University of York

Fulldome Festival 2020, Jena, Germany

MOS, Boston, MS,

Brno, Czechia

Richmond, Virginia
Connecting our worlds of immersion and fostering diverse experiences in dome theaters
Feature Event
Zeiss Planetarium, Jena Germany, July 20
IMERSA Day is hosted in affiliation with the International Planetarium Society conference and the Fulldome festival.
Attendees will immerse themselves (no pun intended) in the world of fulldome and explore new and best practices in immersive media, spatial audio and related genres. The day will culminate with a combined FullDome Festival & IMERSA live concert!
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Important Dates
- January
26-28, KÜZE Festival de Luz de Santiago, Chile.
- February
3-4, Dome Under Festival, Melbourne, Australia
28, FF Brno, Submissions close
- March
1, FF Brno, & IPS, Tickets available
1, Submissions open IDFA
3-5, IFSV, Fulldome Renaissance, Tokyo
4-8, SAT Fest,, Montréal, Canada
22-24, Sous dôme festival, Paris, France
- April
1, IPS Fulldome Festival submissions due
15, submit. due, Astra Festival
15, IDFA Deadline for performances
19, Efemera, Understanding Visual Music 13:30 BRT, online
25, Early Submission IDFA
30, Sponsorship deadline, Brno
- May
May 2-5, Dome Fest West, Boulder, CO, USA
May 23-26, Jena Fulldome Festival screenings
May 30, IDFA, Deadline for films
- June
4-6, Fulldome Festival Brno, Czechia
- July
2nd, IDFA, Deadline for new media
20, IMERSA Day at IPS, Jena, Germany
22-27, IPS Conference, Berlin, Germany
11, IDFA final deadline for films
- August
22-24 ASP Astronomical Society of the Pacific (virtual)
- September
- October
7-9, Digistar Users Group
11-12, Fulldome UK, Cardiff
20-27, Astra Festival, Romania
22-26, GLPA - WAC, Peorea IL.
Fulldome Performers
Feature Article
Posted with permission of authors, who reserve all Copyrights.
From Planetarian Journal.